Health Assessments
- Within 30 calendar days of the first day of school entry, all kindergarten students and all students entering public schools for the first time, regardless of grade level, must furnish to the principal a form that meets the requirements of state law indicating that the student has received a health assessment pursuant to G.S. 130A-440.
- A student who fails to meet this requirement will not be permitted to attend school until the required health assessment form has been presented.
- The assessment must include a medical history and physical examination with screening for vision and hearing and, if appropriate, testing for anemia and tuberculosis.
- The health assessment must be conducted no more than 12 months prior to the date of school entry.
- The health assessment shall be conducted by a physician licensed to practice medicine, a physician's assistant as defined in G.S. 90-18.1(a), a certified nurse practitioner, or a public health nurse meeting the Department's Standards for Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Screening.
- Exceptions to the health assessment requirement will be made only for religious reasons.
The NC Health Assessment Transmittal Forms are available in English and Spanish and may be downloaded from– Health assessment transmittal forms.